SPINELLI . Service

Local Residents

Service area for residents and neighbors of SPINELLI

We are happy to welcome you to SPINELLI! As an urban development company (MWSP), we are responsible for the realisation of the SPINELLI residential quarter, coordinate the construction measures and take over the expansion of the roads and public open spaces ourselves.

SPINELLI is more than just a new quarter. It is an extension of the Käfertal district – with a special focus on sustainability, climate-friendly urban development and social interaction. An urban development process of this magnitude raises many questions for residents and neighbors, but also for the entire urban society. Here you will find numerous answers and up-to-date information.

In addition, every Thursday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., the settlement management team ensures that you are informed about developments on SPINELLI and have the opportunity to talk about your concerns. We are also happy to support you as a resident in the implementation of ideas for a good coexistence on SPINELLI. Just drop by, we look forward to seeing you! No time on Thursdays? Then please feel free to arrange a personal appointment.

Your point of contact:

Petra Leinberger
Phone: 0621 3096 – 671
E-Mail: aufsiedlungsmanagement@mwsp-mannheim.de


Befragung im Forschungsprojekt: Grüne Gerechtigkeit - Wohnen Sozial und Grün bis 31.07.2024


What time does the Stadtbücherei Bus to SPINELLI/Käfertal-Süd arrive?


What to do with the used glass?


What childcare options will there be on SPINELLI?


Wer überwacht den ruhenden Verkehr auf SPINELLI?


Current works in progress


Local Residents